1. BGPhazard::BMTKleinbook
    Times to death or relapse (in days) for patients with bone marrow transplants for Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma
  2. BGPhazard::KIDNEY
    Recurrent infection of kidney catheters
  3. BGPhazard::crm3
    Simulated data from the proportional hazards cure rate model of Yakolev & Tsodikov (1996) by taking a baseline density with a bounded support.
  4. BGPhazard::gehan
    Times of Remission of Leukemia Patients (Gehan)
  5. BGPhazard::leukemiaFZ
    Survival Times of Patients with Leukemia (Feigl and Zelen)
  6. BGPhazard::psych
    Death Times of Psychiatric Patients (Woolson)